December has been a busy month for us, packed with family, holidays and of course work. Julie started back to work after having the baby and has been fortunate to be busy all month. To begin the month my parents came from Oregon to visit.
The kids got to open gifts from their Grandma and Papa which they always enjoy.
Maggie got a Easy Bake Oven.

Drew got Star Wars (his favorite)
and Billy got Halo Wars action figures which is "Exacly what he wanted"

Later while they were still visiting, Julie's family had their annual Christmas Party. This time they rentd a skating rink which was very nice. Everyone got out on the floor and skated...
Even Drew got to skate a little.
At the skate rink, the kids could bring their scooters and ride around too.

Billy pushed Drew around for a minute with his skates on but stopped after one time around the floor. He kept falling down and eventually took his skates off and didn't want anything to do with them anymore.
So Grandma pushed the kids around instead. Drew and Max got in the stroller together and went for a ride.
Julie was a pro at roller-blading!

Tim and Colby went out for a turn.
Even with just Julie's family there, the place was packed.
Papa took a turn pushing the kids, without skates I might add!
I tried skating also...
Turns out Billy and I are a lot alike, neither one of us were meant to roller skate!

Grandma and Papa finally had to leave after a fun weekend.
We all enjoyed their visit!

In the meantime, Luke began to throw up occassionally after his bottles. Not just a little, but a lot.
Billy and Maggie took some time to make pretzels in the oven Maggie got from Grandma and Papa. The Pretzels turned out good, even if they were the size of a quarter.

This is pretty close to actual size!
Next we had Christmas at Tim and Amelia's house on Christmas eve.
Drew was excited to open more presents.
Although I think it was Maggie who had to be right there helping every kids rip the paper off thier presents.
Paul and Staci brought Eli, thier new little baby boy who is about three weeks younger than Luke.
Luke even got presents from Grandma and Grandpa. At this point, Luke had been throwing up enough that we were concerned and brought him into the doctors office. The doctor said to keep a close eye on him and not to be concerned until he started throwing up 80% of his bottles. Luke was up to 50 % at this point and had not thrown up 2 in a row until this Christmas party on Christmas eve where he hit the 2 in a row mark.
Even throwing up, he was still really mellow and has been a great baby! Here's a picture of Julie and I at the Christmas party.

Drew got Pay Dough...
Maggie loved her new pajamas
Billy got some more Halo action figures.

Tim and Amelia opening their presents from everyone.
Christmas eve night Luke took a turn for the worse. He couldn't keep anything down. He began throwing up every bottle and hadn't kept one down since 0800 in the morning. Julie ran him up to the emergency room where his family doctor had told us to take him if this happened. The emergency room did an ultrasound and diagnosed him tentatively with Pyloric Stenosis but told us we needed to take him to Primary Children's hospital in the morning for surgery. We woke up early and found that Santa Clause had brought gifts for the kids.
The kids opened their gifts from both Santa and Mom and Dad

After opening presents, we went to Tim and Amelia (Grandma and Grandpa's) house where we ate a quick breakfast and dropped the kids off. We then headed to Primary Children's hospital where they did another ultrasound and again positively diagnosed Luke with Pyloric Stenosis. This is a condition where the muscle going out of the stomach and into the intestines tightens up and grows larger causing the tube to constict and not allow any fluids to exit the stomach. Because of this when the stoumach trys to flush food into the intestines, the food has no where to go and exits back up violently (Projectile vomit). To remedy the condition, the doctors advised us they would have to do surgery and slice along the tube exiting the stomach cutting along the muscle causing it to relax. One doctor explained it like cutting lengthwise into a cooked hot dog which then opens up. There are no lasting effects from the surgery and it is necessary for the baby to keep from getting dehydrated and keep the baby nourished. It is common in males although usually found in firstborn males. It also runs in families (I also had this condition as a baby). Overall the doctors advised that Luke would need to stay in the hospital for about 48 hours for observation.

We were relieved to find out what was wrong with Luke and know that there was a solution which would allow him to be more comfortable. Again all through the process, he has been a great baby, very mellow and easy going.

Waiting for the surgery to be over.
Playing with Julie's christmas present while at the hospital, a mini laptop.
After the surgery Luke slept, waking up occassionaly for his eating regiment.

Overall we this has been a Christmas to remember. We will have stories to tell Luke when he gets older about his first Christmas which was spent in the Hospital. We are just greatful and feel blessed that the health problems our children have had have been fairly minor. We have been lucky to be together this Christmas season and we are so grateful for our Kids, Eachother, and all of our surrounding Family and Friends who are so supportive. We love you all and we hope you had a Merry Christmas!
Man, what a crazy intense month for you guys.
Both you two look fantastic!!
Have a wonderful New Year!
We are glad that baby Luke is doing better! Love you guys!
btw: which 2 kids are you not grateful for? Check your last paragraph..
Oh man guys sorry to hear that you have had it so rough. I am glad that Luke is doing good and that it looks like you had a good Christmas other than that. Let us know if you need anything.
How heartbreaking to see your baby like that. I am so glad you were able to get his condition diagnosed and taken care of.
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