This last week the kids got to go to Mavrick's 3rd Birthday Party.
Just a couple of random pictures before the birthday party pictures.
We bought Drew his Halloween costume and he insisted on wearing it as soon as he got home. We've had to hide it so he couldn't get to it until Halloween.

Drew trying on my hat before I went to training.
Maggie is now toothless in front.
And now Mavrick's Birthday party. Max was having fun along with all the rest of the kids. For those of you wondering, Max is Julie's brother Scott's son.
And here's the birthday boy himself (Julie's sister Staci's son).
All the kids had fun running through an obstacle course that was set up in Paul and Staci's shop complete with matresses and a rope swing. Halee and Lanee (Julie's brother Tim's kids) are in the next two pictures going through the obstacle course.

Drew went through the course by himself. He thought he was pretty big.
The rope swing was a big hit with the kids!