Maggie graduated from preschool. They had a program with several songs and a little ceremony at the end. 
Maggie loves to sing.

In the end I think Maggie will miss her Teacher Brenda. I'm sure we will see her again though when Drew goes through preschool.

Summer has begun! The kids have all been outside almost nonstop playing with neighbors and running through the sprinklers.

Shortly after Maggie's graduation, Billy was honored at school for Citizen of the year. His teacher called us to let us know that she had seen Billy on several occasions throughout the year, ask kids to play with him at recess who didn't have anyone to play with. He was suprised and happy to recieve the award!

Shortly after Maggie's graduation, Billy was honored at school for Citizen of the year. His teacher called us to let us know that she had seen Billy on several occasions throughout the year, ask kids to play with him at recess who didn't have anyone to play with. He was suprised and happy to recieve the award!
And so Summer begins, school is out and dance/soccer have ended. Hopefully we will be able to go camping and have some fun with the kids all summer long. We'll keep you posted.
Princess Maggie, adorable Drew, and valiant Billy!!! What a crew! Will looks so good in his uniform!
Congrats to Billy!!1 We all hope that our kids would do the same by asking other kids to play with them.. What a good boy.
I LOVE teacher Brenda, she is the BEST. Peyton went there, but then we moved out to farm land and I found someone closer. How is her health doing?
Summer fun.. it's nice to have the kids outside playing and getting some fresh air.
Thanks for hanging out with us Sat. We had so much fun. Lets do it again soon:)
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