Someone got into a pink stamp and decorated the doors 

Easter Morning... The Easter Bunny came and hid the eggs all over the living room.

Maggie and Billy had fun finding them!
Drew woke up later than Billy and Maggie... at first he was excited about the jelly beans..
Until he saw his toys.
Maggie got stick on nails that she was very excited to wear.
Later that afternoon we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a nice dinner and Easter Egg hunt with the rest of the cousins.
Drew had fun looking for eggs, he needed some assistance from his Mom though.

Drew woke up later than Billy and Maggie... at first he was excited about the jelly beans..

Looks like you guys need to get a mr. clean magic eraser. It will take the stamp right off!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I changed our blog address to for safety reasons!
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