I decided to do these blog's in two parts since we had a lot of pictures to add. We just got back from Julie's family reunion which was over the fourth of July weekend. I had to work on the fourth of Julie but Julie went up with the kids and camped with all of her cousins and their families. I got to join them all the next day. It was a fun relaxing couple of days.
Drew wanted to get out so bad but there was too much dirt and several dogs which would bowl him over. Plus he hasn't learned to walk yet so Julie didn't want him to be a muddy mess and be pooping out leaves which he would be guaranteed to eat.
Maggie enjoyed riding her bike around the campsite.
There were horseshoe tournaments both days during the evening. The pits were in the sun during the day so we all played when the sun started to go down and it was cooler. On the last day we all played an elimination tournament until 1100 pm and had to drive cars around the pits with the lights shining onto the horseshoe stakes so we could see.
We all took turns watching kids while different parents got to play horseshoes. Amelia entertained Drew for part of the time.
The wagons in a circle!

Billy brought his bike too.
The campsite was right next to a river and we all watched as the kids and grandparents floated by on tubes. Tim had quite a shock when he first got in the water as the river still consists of winter run off. FREAZING COLD!

I mostly sat and enjoyed everyones company.
One final video of half of the campsite. Several people also camped in tents which was in a field adjacent.

Again much more summer fun to come. On a more somber note, as we were walking out to our truck to leave and go camping we noticed our brand new cement has already cracked. Julie took it better than I did.
1 comment:
Looks like lotsa fun and great memories...wish we were there with you!
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