Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Rock Wall

These are probably boring pictures for most of you, but I thought I'd include puctures of the retaining wall I just finished in my backyard. These first two pictures are the ones I took at a Harley Davidson dealership to pattern my wall after. I mainly needed to see something to know how to step the blocks up the slope.

This is my wall. Julie and I worked on it until 10:00 pm last night, then I finished the last part this morning before the sun got too hot.

Next are a few pictures of the wall from the backside. The next step will be to level the yard a little more, then fill in the back of the wall with topsoil.
Overall we were pretty happy with how it turned out. One step at a time and our yard will eventually be done.... I HOPE!

1 comment:

The Farrs said...

Wow! That's a lot of blocks...sure looks nice! I'm impressed and look forward to seeing all that you've done.